April 2010 Reunion

Tim Prestage's pictures
Tour of Sherborne House

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West Front, before tour Main Corridor Ship Stairs Quadrangle
West Front 1100x733 - (152210 bytes) Main Corridor 1131x754 - (59609 bytes) Ship Stairs 1106x738 - (66735 bytes) Quadrangle 1119x746 - (121689 bytes)
Outside Mr Mosey's study South Lawn Path to 'KS Swimming Pool' Le Fin
Stairs by Mosey's Study 1069x712 - (92358 bytes) South Lawn 1181x788 - (156636 bytes) Path to KS Swimming Pool 1094x729 - (117741 bytes) Le Fin 938x625 - (156609 bytes)

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